Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Feb. 14

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Bir anket değil. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past three years, which I guess makes this somewhere around Vol. 157. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.


A little sleepy but otherwise not too shabby, tabby.


I’m about to let Jillian Michaels hand me a beat down, so I’m dressed for impending sweaty misery: cropped heather gray yoga pants, a pink t-shirt and a brown zip-up sweatshirt (it’s cold today!).

Your favorite sweet treat?

Ice cream when it’s warm and cupcakes when it’s cold.

One thing that always cheers you up?

Pulling up to a metered parking space and finding time left on the clock. It’s the small things, ya know?

Your favorite kind of weather?

Sunshine, mid-70s with a light breeze. Ideally, it would also be around late May/early June, which is when my spring allergies subside.

Did you enjoy high school?

Yaptım. I felt safe, protected, and I didn’t worry about too much.

A pet peeve?

At restaurants when I find leftover lipstick stains on my glass. YUCK!

Something about yourself that surprises people:

That I have a pretty good sense of humor. I guess people don’t expect me to be funny (do I ever look serious??).


Nothing yet (gonna work out in a few), but I’m thinking about wearing the MAC look in a Box: girl next Door set.

Haftalık Hedefler:

To put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. Oh, and eat less crap!

Heya, Valentine. I’m sitting here at my desk, looking out the windows and watching the rain come in sideways. It’s crazy stormy out here today!

It blew in earlier this morning at around three, and I know this because the wind was howling and woke me up. since I couldn’t go back to sleep (seriously, I’m thinking about renaming the site Makeup, beauty and Insomnia Blog), I started thinking about a bunch of things, including something I want to focus on this week — letting go of the past and moving forward.


Sometimes I feel like I get caught up obsessing over my many mistakes. Do you ever do that? this week I really want to try focusing on putting one foot in front of the other.

Anywho, enough of my late night deep thoughts. If you have a few minutes, come say hi. I love to hear from you.

To complete the Monday Poll, just copy the following list, and paste it with your answers in the comments.

1. Ruh hali:
2. Outfit:
3. Your favorite sweet treat?
4. What always cheers you up?
5. Your favorite type of weather?
6. Did you enjoy high school?
7. A pet peeve?
8. Something about yourself that surprises people:
9. Eyes/lips/cheeks:
10. weekly goals:


Together, you and I can make this week fan-frickin’-tastic. Are ya with me?


Kediler ve Makyaj Sweatshirt ??

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